Success Stories

Every success story below is from someone who was a student in one of my courses, worked with me or one of my facilitators, or tried one of my products.

All of them got incredible results.

But please keep in mind, since none of them worked with me for a year, all their results shadow in comparison to what you and I can achieve in 12 months.

ALFC Testimonials

After practicing two of the exercises over and over, I noticed that my level of confidence has increased.  Specifically, I always felt a ceiling above me that I couldn't rise above. Since learning to love others unconditionally and realizing points of view have no meaning, that ceiling has disappeared. I actually feel taller and safer around other people. My fears have practically disappeared. I can choose to be passionate about something without feeling like "that's who I am". This has increased my awareness and ability to live life as a game. After all, if it isn't fun, why be alive in the first place?

Lauren Lagergren

The benefits of the course are potentially too profound to adequately describe in a paragraph, so I recommend you take that leap of faith and experience it for yourself. The fee is a small price to pay for something that can drastically improve your life. If you do the work you will reap the rewards. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. If you feel

dissatisfied with your life, are having conflicts with others, are having problems in intimate relationships, are stressed about your job, money or anything else, are constantly making excuses about things you are not happy with and are always in defense mode, you need to take this course. Think of ALFC as an invaluable investment In yourself and your life. You have nothing to lose but your attachments!

Diana Foster

This course literally opened my eyes to being able to see many more layers of myself and other people. I have a sense of freedom that I have read about but didn’t really think I could get unless I hibernated in a cave and meditated for 5 years – which I was not willing to do. But this course gave me the tools to get at that freedom. And I see the path to being able to create more freedom in my life because I have the tools. This is one of THE best programs I have ever done – and I have done a lot of personal growth work over the course of 27 years. Morty’s brilliance in creating this course is a gift to all of us – do not miss the opportunity!

Molly B. Kinney

LFC Testimonials

I really, really wanted to write but I would get so nervous thinking about what I wanted to write, that it prevented me from writing anything at all.  And so, the occurring process helped me in a way to dissolve that nervousness and those blocks that were preventing me from writing.  And now, I am just so enthusiastic about just sitting down and writing every day.

Lauren Langergren

I now have a peace, a calmness.  I don't have to react to what other people are doing or saying.  For example, my step-father became very angry at me, yelling like crazy.  And through my calmness half-an-hour later he came back and apologized.  I took everything in stride in a nice way.

It has given me freedom... In this way, it is priceless.

Andres Ratti

I just finished the Lefkoe Freedom Course and I would definitely say it was one of the most important classes I've taken because the results were life changing. I had some reservations because of the cost, but it was worth every penny and then some.

Most courses/books/cds/seminars give you lots of information about how to do their processes, you may even have a chance to practice at the workshop, but the majority of the time, the workbooks/literature, etc. end up on a shelf somewhere gathering dust. You have good intentions of doing the “work” but life gets in the way. Not so with Morty's LOP. It was structured in such a way that by the end of the course you were doing the process automatically.

As a result of the course I experience much less stress in my life, I find myself in a happy, peaceful frame of mind most of the time and I have improved my relationships with other people because I just don't get upset by their behavior. All those niggling, annoying things that happened to me throughout the day that led to irritation are a thing of the past. The only reason they were irritating and annoying was because that's how they occurred to me. Now I can notice how reality occurs to me and dissolve the meaning I am giving it right on the spot. Without a meaning, those things no longer bother me. That is priceless.

I just wish this course had been available 7 years ago when my husband started getting dementia. My whole experience of it would have been very different and I could have saved myself a tremendous amount of stress. I encourage you to learn it now and then you'll have a tool that can make those challenging times so much easier. Thank you and bless you, Morty, for being the loving genius that you are.

—Ricki Rush

Ricki Rush

In this course I went very deep into a sense of myself that I thought was 'real.' It turned out not to be. I'd based a lot of my life on this notion. With this 'false self' dissolved I've discovered what underlies that. It is an experience of freedom, of a sweetness, of a sparkling energy.

I also especially liked the group participation. It was as if there was a group energy that was doing a lot of the work. I've never experienced anything like this before.

Thank you Morty!

Martin Rutte

I am in the current Occurring Course and I have to say it's been worth every penny. I feel happier and more peaceful. It's a new way of 'being' rather than a new way of 'doing'! By posting our results every week, Morty has been able to support and help us all the way and all the participants have been able to connect with each other. Morty has created a very powerful process and if you put in the effort over the 10 weeks, the results are literally life changing.

Thanks a lot Morty!


I'd like to say that this course is well worth the money and much more. This course is a process that goes on daily for the 10 weeks and is designed to modify our habits of not being present and mistaking our thoughts and feelings from the past for reality. You don't know how much you are stuck in old patterns until you get unstuck. And this course does that and, as I said, much more. The constant unpleasant feeling I had on a day to day basis and didn't even know was there is gone. I've been dealing with problems during the course and finding solutions for them much faster. And, more important, the course is designed in a way that, if you follow all of Morty's instructions and do all the assignments as they are given, you won't need a technique in the end, this will just be the new way you go through life, being present and aware of reality and dealing with what happens in a much more effective way.

Thank you Morty!

Mario Califfa

I've been taking the current Occurring Course and I can honestly say that is has changed my life in a way that no other program has. When I first started, I had a lot of times where I felt like a victim and was stressed and worried, but now, things that used to bother me rarely do, I come up with solutions faster and I catch myself before I spiral downward. In general, I am happier and more peaceful.

When Morty told me that if I followed all the instructions and did all my homework in this course, I would never really be stressed again, I thought, "It's a chunk of money, but how many more programs would I NOT be buying in the future if I do this one?" So I bit the bullet.

What is the price for peace of mind for the rest of your life?


Previous things that used to frequently upset me no longer do because through this course I truly got that my experience of life comes from the meaning I'm giving everything in the moment, and that meaning is not the same as what's actually happening in the real world, and now I can also change that meaning whenever I want to do something else I'd enjoy more.

This material from the Lefkoe Institute has allowed me to have more choice and control over how life shows up for me, and I would recommend it to anyone who's looking for more choice in how they experience their life.

Michael Scheibe

I'm on my last week of the course, and it was amazing. Now I can easily distinguish between reality and “my story”, and live life stress-free. Morty and Shelly have, and are doing, an amazing job! I just wanted to say, that I never thought I could afford it, but I emailed Morty, and he has let me pay over 9 months. A true blessing! It has changed my life forever in a better way.


I've just finished week nine of the occurring course. Here's what has happened: Almost nothing stresses me out. My relationships are smoother because I very rarely get upset by other people's behavior. I feel calmer, happier and more in charge of my life.

How did this happen? I learned to see the difference–in every moment–between how things really are and my story about how things are. It used to be that, if the boss frowned at me, I knew I messed up a project, he was mad or I was going to be fired.

Now I know that reality is just that the boss frowned at me and the rest is a story. I have so much freedom, flexibility and choice in life. No more knee jerk reactions! When all I know is that the boss is frowning, I can actually go up and ask if there's a problem. When I was sure I was going to be fired, I wouldn't go near the guy!

Brilliant work, Morty.


I've just finished a 9 week Occurring course. I wanted to move more effectively toward my goal without getting stuck like has happened in the past. One big thing I noticed things that I would get real upset over in trying to accomplish a goal or step of a goal if things didn't go well. Now it just easy to resolve my problem and easily learn and keep on with getting my outcome. This is huge for me. Also many of my fear based thinking has gone away. This process is so quick and easy to get results, I highly recommend it. I have done many different personal growth trainings and few are as useful as this.

Thanks Morty.

Ken Korpi

Session Testimonials

Since I worked with Morty on many of my limiting beliefs I have lost 30 pounds without really trying any new diets or programs. I just seem to be much more aware of what is happening and what I am feeling when the topic of eating comes in to my mind. I feel the work we did together was the key to help me see what needed to be changed, and 30 less pounds is the proof!

Kevin Rafferty

I used to have beliefs that I did not deserve to make a lot of money and that it was a “sin” to be wealthy. Consequently, I was always getting paid at the bottom salary level for my work in the nonprofit world. All that has changed. Through working with the Lefkoe Method – particularly with Shelly Lefkoe – I now make over $100,000 a year plus bonuses. My last jump in salary was 64%. My beliefs have changed and so has my life.

Carol Shaw

From the very first session I started to feel more positive about myself. As the negative beliefs were eliminated the change became more dramatic and I can’t believe the results’ Thank you Shelly, for your help and support.


A few years ago I was stuck in a bad marriage. I was seriously depressed and thought I couldn’t make it on my own. Knowing what I should do didn’t seem to make any difference. Now, I’m out of that marriage and in charge of my life. I own my own home. The depression has lifted totally. I’m emancipated and empowered. I’m no longer stuck.


I used to always worry about upsetting the apple cart. I was unsure of myself, afraid of rejection. I took everything personally, which got in the way of getting more business. I was frequently afraid to act. Now, when I think about doing things, I usually just do them. Either I’m not uncomfortable or, when I am, the feeling no longer stops me. I have enough confidence in what I’m doing that I no longer fear rejection. I had talked about opening a new office for years but hadn’t. Now I have and it’s led to a lot more business for us.


When I first began working with the Lefkoes, I had substantial anxiety issues, in particular a phobia of flying on planes. At first, it seemed the focus of our work would be on the flying, but I realized there was much more work that needed to be done, that flying was really a symptom, not the issue. After my sessions, my anxiety was really “cracked open” and I had an entirely new understanding of its origins, and how it functioned in my life. I could also see it as “object’ vs. being the “subject” of it.

While working with both Morty and Shelly my life began moving and shifting out of a highly toxic state into a positive state of possibility. I found new avenues, new clarity and began to move forward creating the life and future I want for myself. Today I feel like an entirely different person from when I had my first session with Shelly. I have done a lot of work along the way and a true high point, and benchmark of my progress is that just a few weeks ago, I flew for the first time in 7 years, (and the first time without any medication in probably 20!).

Donna Frindt

I asked several of the people whom you met with and had coaching sessions with yourself or Shelly for examples of how they benefited. Some examples are listed below.

I learned why I procrastinated. Then I stopped procrastinating. This allows me to prioritize and focus my attention on what’s most important instead of always rushing to finish things at the last second.

I learned to focus on how I feel about myself instead of worrying what others thought about me. This allows me to communicate with others more honestly than I could in the past.

I have developed the mindset that anything is possible. In the past I would often sabotage my efforts because I did not believe my goal could be achieved. Now I can comfortably work on improvement activities and I expect to be successful.

I have better self-esteem. I realize that I don’t need to be perfect and that’s ok. Realizing that I was not a disappointment to my parents and that I am valuable, allows me to engage more effectively when I interact with others.

I realize there are other possibilities to what currently exists and that things do not have to stay the way they are if I don’t want them to.

Russ Scott

Believe me this works! For many years, I had tried many personal development schemes in an attempt to sort out my issues and improve my life.

Yes there were changes, but my fundamental issues were still there, lurking below the surface ready to pop up and sabotage whatever it was I was trying to achieve which they did on a regular basis. What I know now to be limiting self-beliefs.

I likened myself and my limiting beliefs to a defective window frame; dirty glass, rotten wood, difficult to open and let some fresh air in. The personal development schemes of the past were nothing other than a quick wipe of the glass and a coat of fresh paint. Afterwards on a glance it looks good but underneath nothing much had changed. The decaying wood and difficult to open window were still in place. Then one day when in a particularly anguished and frustrated place, I was angling for some free advice from a good friend of Shelly’s.

All Shelly’s friend said was give Shelly a ring she does sessions over the phone. And so I did, and as they say the rest is history. One by one my limiting beliefs are being replaced by positive ones; my old patterns and issues dissolving away. I feel happier, more relaxed, and substantially more confident. The glass is clean, the rotten wood has been replaced, the window now opens easily letting in fresh air and light to my soul. A friend said to me the other day now when you smile all of you smiles.

As I said, believe me this works. So what is your limiting belief that stops you giving it a try.

Leon Winnert

Prior to working with Shelly and the Lefkoe Method I had a lot of hidden beliefs that were in the way of my success and our business goals.

Although I was confident at certain tasks and I knew how to act confident, deep down I rarely felt it. The Lefkoe Method has boosted my confidence (and our business success) beyond what I thought was possible. I have eliminated my anxiety about speaking in public, selling our programs, and creating the success I have always dreamed of.

Mark Watson

In the first 15 minutes I was absolutely sure it was going to fail.”

I had a real problem in my life and it was in the area of relationship. And it hurt me it really hurt me. It was a failed relationship that I was carrying around, I was obsessing and it was depriving me of forming a new relationship.

I spent an hour with Morty over the phone. In the first 15 minutes I was absolutely sure this process was going to fail. And I was creating and rehearsing a little speech that I was going to give him at the end of the hour to say “excuse me this doesn’t work.” And after 40 minutes I said to him “Morty I don’t need the hour. I got it.” She moved out of my mind. I’m a free man. I’ve been carrying her around for three years and she’s gone I feel so blessed.

Raymond Aaron

We had expected that the fear would come back but it didn’t. They had, in fact, changed. Their fear of public speaking was gone.

Dr. Lee Sechrest

I don’t feel the anxiety I did before …”

Two years after I went through this methodology, it’s fantastic. It’s changed my life. I used to feel when I was in front of people a general feeling of anxiety and fear – sweaty palms, sweaty brow, my voice would quiver, my stomach would tie up in knots. The way I feel now after doing The Lefkoe Method is I don’t feel the anxiety I did before whether in a one-to-one conversation or a group. I feel much more confident. I don’t feel a sense of urgency, a sense of anxiety, or a sense of fear. I just feel kind of an excitement. And it really doesn’t matter as much who I’m talking to or the demeanor of who I’m talking to. If they’re friendly, great. If they are not so friendly, I can read that and understand where they’re coming from but it does not reduce my sense of confidence.

Robert Gonzalez

I have struggled with feelings of claustrophobia when driving on highways all my adult life. The work we did with eliminating the beliefs attached to the problem has been fantastic. For the past two weeks I have been driving on the highways again without symptoms. What a relief! I have also felt a growing inner peace from the work. The low grade chronic restlessness that used to drive me to over function is gone. I now look forward to any feeling that might come up and suggest another belief I can clean up. As I move through the DVD, I am enjoying the growing lightness that comes from letting go of this inner baggage. Great Stuff! Thanks!

Scott Miller

Why did I wait this long. Why didn’t I do this sooner?

I think TLM allowed me to focus directly on the issue of not speaking in front of groups. I’ve done a lot of growth work, seminars, workshops, retreats, reading. And it’s all been wonderful. But the focus on actually unlocking the little locks that were keeping me from speaking. To untether those little strings that were holding me back. To focus on the beliefs that were keeping me from speaking to a group of people.

It was simple, elegant, painless and fast.

In a way it was like why did I wait this long, why didn’t I do this sooner?

Neal Rogin

Natural Confidence Testimonials

Morty's Lefkoe Method gives you the key to dropping a belief that no longer serves you. In just a few minutes I was able to drop a belief that had been plaguing me all of my life. For months after our time together, I noticed I felt different when opportunities came up and the belief didn't stop me. As a result, the profits of my business went absolutely through the sky. Whatever had held me back in the past was gone. So I highly endorse The Lefkoe Method and I encourage you to look into it and discover the power of it yourself.

Paul Scheele Chairman, Learning Strategies Corporation

For years I have tried to improve various areas of my life, with little or no success. After working with Morty's method, I experienced explosive growth in my business; I've lost a considerable amount of weight; and in general, I have become totally empowered to be the woman I always wanted to be. My friends tell me that I am like a completely different person -- and they're right-- I am! Regardless of what you might be struggling with, Morty's techniques can help you to identify the root cause and eliminate it from your mind permanently. He can truly help you to unleash the power within and become whoever you want to be!

Donna Bauer The NoteBuyer Real Estate Investor, Author & Educator

Although I was confident at certain tasks and I knew how to act confident, deep down I rarely felt it. Your method has boosted my confidence (and our business success) beyond what I thought was possible. I have eliminated my anxiety about speaking in public, selling our programs, and creating the success I have always dreamed of.

Mark Watson Cofounder - Wealth Inside Out

Natural Confidence has given me more confidence in myself and more of a sense of total freedom. Thanks.

John Beaton Calgary, Alberta/Canada

After eliminating the nineteen beliefs and three conditionings I feel less stressed about what people think of me and more confident in my purpose. I realize there are deeper and more complex belief systems, or survival strategies, that need work before I can be completely free of worry about judgement, rejection and how others feel about me, but this is a great beginning. With a new feeling of empowerment I spoke recently at a public rally, providing an alternative view to the other speakers, and even though my body shook a bit my voice was strong as I delivered my opinion. I am grateful for the increase in confidence, patience and freedom from judgement I have received from your program. I would like to have a consultation to discover more of my belief systems and apply your process to them. I feel that with this program I have a tool I can use to liberate my creativity from the limitations of beliefs that has held it back for so long. Do you barter or take work trade s?

Earl Brown Ukiah, California, USA

I feel more confident and free

Christina Saint Louis

Made me more confidence in talking to men and important people in the company I work for. I feel more sure of myself.

Sandra Pacheco Renton,WA US

I felt much more confdent in social situations, have a great pleasure contacting many people and be in focus of others. I felt like I put myself as very important person in my life. It felt like new personality has been released.

Monika Poland

I find I am not as timid as I used to be. I am less reserved and fearful of what I want to say. I'm still not doing what I want for a living, but I feel I am on my way.

Ozie Orlando, FL/USA

Hi Morty, just shows how good your programs are, I used your recreate your life program, and having done that and bust your money beliefs, which you kindly sent me as well, the results are amazing and since doing those programs I feel totally different. I know beacuse all these beliefs loisted above have no negative effect since doing those programs. Plus I am no longer afraid of flying or spiders, my confidence is amazing, please use this as a testimonial from a very satisfied customer, who will be back for more stuff later in the year. I have been trying to send you a testimonial thanking you for a while. So here it is at last. Many thanks

Phil Watson St Ives Cornwall UK

Morty, I have to tell you that you really broke something open for me when you shared your story about creating obstacles for yourself, because you thought your value was in how hard you could work to overcome those obstacles. Listening to you was a major "Aha!" moment for me - I realized I had been doing the same thing! I've experience enormous and recurring relief, knowing that I don't ever have to struggle again, and I'm perfectly worthwhile. Opportunities that I have been wanting for a long time have come pouring through the door since that "Aha!" thank you for putting your material out into the world! Best to you, Cary

Carey Peters HHC, AADP Founder, CoachTools To Go

Thank you so very much Morty for sharing your great creation with all of us. Amazing!!. I have been working on my patterns with good effective methods for quite a few years and with time and a lot of work, I eliminated some of them. Your method is so powerful that I could eliminate 2 beliefs by just following your videos which took about 1 hour for the 2. My next belief will be about money issues. When done I will buy your entire program. At 65 I have no more time to loose. Health, Smile and Peace to you Morty, you are Godsent.

Denise Egner Canada

It revolutionized my entire life …. It also led me to facing the reality of my addictions, a new job in a new country and a much needed end to a stressful life/lifestyle. Initially very stressful and anxiety-forming but leading very quickly to a helpful and exciting new era in my life - although I WAS very upset throughout, I kept feeling I should be more stressed but I wasn't. Change certainly was quick and much easier than if I hadn't addressed my negative beliefs. It certainly built my confidence and reduced my anxiety as to what others think of me. It was refreshing for someone to go back to the 'old-fashioned' view that our beliefs are formed in early childhood - something which feels intuitively true - rather than bombard me with well-meaning but soft-headed stuff.

Jeffrey Baillie Portsmouth, UK

I am in sales and had some apprehension with phone prospecting. The process made it noticeably easier within days. It helped me reframe my thinking about other situations in life.

Dean Nelson Lake Wales, Florida

I feel lighter, fresher, more optimistic, younger, more capable, more tolerant and more intelligent. I smile more and laugh often. The frustration and the feeling of being 'stuck' is gone. The anxiety is lifted as I sleep like a baby, when I had accepted years of poor sleep to age and hormones. The fear of conflict is gone, and with it the knot in my stomach. I am able to navigate conflict with ease and confidence. The anger still rises but with less intensity and not over trivial things. Physically, the shoulders feel loose and light as the mental burdens have gone. For years they were tight and never loosened even with massage or yoga. The entire body is more limber and flexible. It feels like a rejuvenation. The old me has gone, and has been replaced with the real me. I am calmer and have unforgettable moments of deep stillness, contentment and peace. My ability to listen has increased so that I can understand even what 'boring, repetitive' people are trying to say with a new patience.

Kiran Patki Mumbai,India

It took away the tapes that played in my head that kept me afraid of failing, afraid of trying and afraid of succeeding. I'm more at peace and more confident in the decisions I make. The program also allowed me to release bitterness from childhood experiences by re-framing them. The program did for me in a few weeks what years of counseling failed to do by addressing and dealing with the root of the problems instead of the issues that had grown as a result.

A. Stout St. Joseph MI

It definitely helped to raise my confidence and to reduce stressful emotions such as fear and anger. It helped me to understand that I am not my thoughts and feelings, I am the creator of my thoughts and feelings.

Jane Ellis United Kingdom

The Natural Confidence program was the single most effective specific program that reduced my level of frustration and anxiety. Results are immediate and very palpable. It is not a magic formula - you know where it all went to - right where it came from in the first place. You want to share it with your friends because it is amazing that a belief can be demonstrated, traced, and eliminated in one move. Although it may not look important now, but it comes as a sweet surprise to know who is left when a bunch of beliefs are gone. Looking back, it is impossible to remember how it felt to carry all those beliefs. They are gone with no residue left. It is important to know that a change of such a size is demonstratively possible and ... easy. This certainly broke the ring of what is possible. Some people seem to be satisfied with "knowing" about various big ideas. I have to see them on my own skin. This program incorporates lots of elements that I have seen and read in various places. What makes it unique is that all these parts are put together into a working whole. In my books, this is true knowledge. I don't remember when I was immobilized by frustration last time. I certainly had my share of tough situations but I enjoy them now.

Alexey Panchekha Glen Rock / NJ

I used to not be able to talk to very successful people because I put them on a pedestal. I now feel comfortable and don't have an internal fear when I have a conversation or are around them. I have an internal sense of confidence without pride. I feel like I am in control of my life.

Brian Price Riverside, CA

I have been suffering from depression, low self esteem and emotional difficulties for many years and can honestly say that after taking the program, I am a different person. I still have occasional emotional difficulties, but I feel calm and confident on most days. Occasionally I have an emotional "backlash" when a situation triggers an old belief, but I am now able to recognize it. So I don't become identified with the emotions any more and can instead dissolve them through repeating the part of the program that feels appropriate. I have realized that certain beliefs come back as my mother tongue is not English. It seems that I have to do the process also in my mother tongue in order really eliminate a belief from my "system" completely. The English version has helped me to understand the process and recognize when I give meaning to an event, the repetition in my mother tongue seems to eliminate it for good. I am better able to handle my kids as I used to give a lot of meaning to their behavior which only added to the problem. Just today I had an incident where I fell into "nothing I do is good enough" as my kids didn't like the food, but I can catch myself now instead of feeling hurt and starting to feel "sorry for myself" and make my kids feel bad. It feels that my relationships run more smoothly and have become more honest as I am much more myself. My confidence has grown to start a new career after many years of unemployment. I actually found that I had been shying away from applying for jobs as I was afraid of rejection, of people in general and not really valuing myself. This has changed tremendously as my need for appreciation has subsided and I can concentrate on developing my skills and choose a new direction. It's great.

Joseann Freyer-Lindner Joensuu, Finland

Since I eliminated the beliefs and conditionings using the Natural Confidence program, I am no longer paying so much attention to what others think especially when it comes to doing something I've always wanted to do. I am not afraid of doing something new as the fear of doing something new is gone. I am not constantly thinking "people don't really want to hear what you're saying" when I talk about something. I can sit back and listen to other people speak without feeling the anxiety of coming up with something to say. And I do things without comparing myself to how other people do them. My main issues were fear, anxiety, and frustration and these just do not have the stranglehold on me like they did before the Natural Confidence program. When the beliefs and conditionings were eliminated, I felt like I was, in effect, starting over yet with an adult's outlook. My days are more joyful without everything being tinged with the filter of those beliefs. To quote Martin Luther King, "I am free. At last I am free.

Lauren Lagergren South Bend, WA

I no longer am anxious about situations that would have made me stressful in the past. Especially when it comes to dealing with money, I have zero stress. It's helped me launch my own company, a luxury marketing and PR firm. I had been wanting launch it for a long time. Now have the confidence to do so and I'm not even nervous about it.

Jennifer Barthe New York (USA) and Paris, France

There are so many ways that the Natural Confidence program has affected me. All positive. I noticed right away that I did not think about a lot of the things that I used to, I just reacted differently as they came up. That in itself is a big stress reliever. I react with confidence. I am a member of Toastmasters. I have been a member for three years. My voice always had that little gravely sound when I spoke--until I did the Natural Confidence program. Now the voice is steady!! I look people in the eye, where as other times I would look down or away. I notice that I smile more. I am aware that I shed things that I have been carrying around for years.

Sheryl Kaczmarek Wisconsin, USA

I now have an underlying sense of calm that I bring to my life. I now worry less, and for shorter periods with problems that arise in life.

Ian Rickard Cambridge, England UK

I am just half-way through with the program but results are already obvious. My main problem which is fear of close contact with people in public places looks much reduced. I dropped a bottle of wine in a boutique the other day which broke into pieces and lot of people helped me and my family to cope with the problem. I really enjoyed the scene rather than feel awkward. I feel that my old problem of putting myself and my needs on the second place is gone and I am ready to defend my needs and interests everywhere.

Andrey Marusov Moscow/Russia

I used to get anxious and angry very easily. After taking Natural Confidence Program, I have learned that events have no meaning unless the meaning that we give them which really helps me to dissolve past negative conditioning that causes my anxiety and anger. Now, I don't get angry any more because I am able to notice it immediately and resolve the issue using Natural Confidence program. I have improved my relationships with my partner and family members. The Natural Confidence program also boosted my confidence. I have attracted many friends into my life who are successful and driven. I am thankful for how Natural Confidence program has changed my life.

Elle U. Los Angeles, CA

Hi Morty, It’s been over a year since I started the Natural Confidence program. I procrastinated in finishing it but with your support I completed it about two months ago. As you know, I am 74 years old and have led an unusually intense life. I have been married four times and divorced three times. I was diagnosed with PTSD in early 2004 as a result of my service during the Viet Nam war. I have spent most of my life with the feeling of not being able to trust hardly anyone. I have always had this feeling of worrying about myself first and others next, if at all. My relationships have been superficial at best. The multi-marriages are just one example of my difficulty at being able to connect at a deeper emotional level with others, including my children. I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours in therapy, taken all of the self-development courses available the last 40 years and they have helped some. I tell you all of this because it’s the best lead-in to telling you what the Natural Confidence program has done for me that all of the many hours of therapy and self-development courses couldn’t do or didn’t d o. The last few months since completing the Natural Confidence program has been the very best time of my life. After completing your program I felt strangely empty. I felt uncomfortably calm, not anxious, and smiling more---a very unusual feeling for me to have. I noticed that I was hardly ever critical of others anymore but suddenly I found myself being sincerely empathetic to the feelings of others. I find myself able to trust what others say and do---that’s a first. My grown children and I are having sincere, loving communications---I am telling them I love them and they are saying the same thing!! Best of all, the petty arguments my wife and I have been having has diminished dramatically and we are spending lots of time talking and really listening to each other. People ask me what I’m doing—that I seem different. And I am---delightfully different!! I like myself and others. The vacuum that I felt when I eliminated those life-long ( until now) limiting beliefs are being filled with love and trust for others, especially my wife and children. The anxiety I have lived with for so long has been replaced with sincere feelings of caring and empathy for others. There is no way to thank you and Shelley and the entire Lefkoe Institute staff for this miracle. This note is the best I can do. “Thank you” is a bit too shallow to convey my deep appreciation and love for all of you. With deep appreciation and love for all of you

Terry Shull Seattle, WA

After the Natural Confidence program, I have become more self confident and have started to trust my self more. I am more sure of myself and my abilities. As a result, at work I am not threatened by anyone when they are critical and I accept their criticism more constructively. I have become more empathetic to other people's concerns.

Karthik Rai Engineer, Germany

The Lefkoe Natural Confidence program has significantly improved my life. I think the main reason for this is because it taught me to distinguish the difference between reality and "beliefs" about reality. Once you figure out that most of your reality is "made up," you can get rid of your worst "made up" beliefs. When you find yourself in formerly stressful situations, instead of being controlled by "made up" beliefs from childhood, you deal with the situation from true reality. When you do this, life becomes much less stressful, fears diminish, and, while anger does not totally disappear, it becomes much more manageable. I have tried all the other programs for positive thinking, NLP, manifestation, etc. This has been the only one that I feel has made a PERMANENT change. Thanks Morty! I have noticed an improvement in conversing with other people (either phone or in person). Before this program, I seemed to be on the defense when speaking with other people. I never knew why, that's just the way I felt. After eliminating some of the first beliefs, I noticed I was much calmer with people on the phone and in person. I think it had something to do with the beliefs "I'm not good enough" and "What makes me feel important is when other people think well of me". Or it could be some of the other beliefs I feel I have eliminated. I have noticed that even when I think I don't have a belief, as I go through Morty's process I start to reflect and regress to my childhood, thinking of things I had not thought of for many, many years. When I realize that the belief I have is simply "A" truth and not "THE" truth, a cleansing takes place. You don't even know it until the next day when you get in a formerly stressful situation and it no longer makes you anxious. It definitely puts a smile on your face!

Bill Nonte Orlando, Florida USA