Would you like to be one of only five people
to join me on a one-year quest to reach your full potential as a human being?

Morty Lefkoe
From: The Desk Of Morty Lefkoe
Novato, California
I’m looking for five special people to join me on a one-year journey of self-actualization—a quest to reach your unrealized potential as a human being.
I’ve been on this journey for much of my life and I’ve discovered powerful ways to accelerate the development of the qualities of a self-actualized person.
And I will share them in 50 weekly one-on-one sessions with you if you apply and are accepted.
What Life Will Be Like When You Are Living
Your Full Potential
Imagine jumping out of bed in the morning because you can’t wait to meet the day and live your passion, because nothing inside holds you back.
Imagine that later that day you don’t accomplish something you really wanted to accomplish and instead of getting upset, you see what happens as a learning opportunity… you feel curious and open to learning something new.
Imagine that your partner, your friend, or one of your co-workers does something that would upset most people—such as yelling at you—and instead of feeling hurt or angry you feel totally calm without even trying.
Later you have a needed one-on-one meeting with a colleague you used to dislike… but you now feel unconditional love, enabling you to enjoy being with that person.
Further imagine that later that day during a group meeting you hear people express points of view that are totally different from yours and, instead of thinking that you are right and they are wrong, you’re able to really get their point of view.
This happens because you get deep down that their points of view make sense given their experiences and beliefs. And as a result, you’re able to make them feel understood… because you really do understand, which makes the meeting run more smoothly.
Lastly, imagine being given news that in the past would have throw most people into sadness or depression, such as being told you have an illness or a friend is no longer speaking to you, and instead you experience a deep inner peace that knows no bounds.
Is this the kind of person you’d like to be?
If so, then you may want to consider applying to join the Year With Morty.
How to do in one year what it took me
40 years to accomplish
It took me 40 years to get to where I am today. I can help you go down same road in one year. It will be a lot faster and easier for you than it was for me.
Because I had to create all the processes and exercises and then test them on myself until I could make them work, which took decades. On top of that, I had no idea where I was going.
You will have me to help you decide where you want to go and then show you everything I’ve learned about how to get there.
Below I tell the story of how I went from a person who was basically unhappy and stuck, to a person who is constantly growing. If you join me for the year, you’ll go on a similar journey of discovery, but at an accelerated rate. What it took me nearly four decades to achieve you’ll get in 365 days.
My Journey-Part 1: How I changed the focus of my life
I was unhappy most of my life. I was very needy, chronically depressed, and broke a lot of the time. I worked in a variety of companies as a public relations specialist or as a journalist and I usually disliked my jobs. For a time I tried to make a living as a freelance writer, which was difficult because I frequently had writer’s block. I got married twice and couldn’t make either marriage work: my first wife left me because I was so needy and my second wife and I decided to divorce because we just couldn’t get along with each other. We seemed to be arguing all the time.
I always felt that I would finally be happy when I made a lot of money, became a famous businessman (on the cover of Fortune), found the right woman and had a good marriage. I was sure that happiness would come from circumstances outside myself that I had yet to find.
In 1975 I attended a personal development seminar called the est training. One powerful result of the est training is that my focus in life changed from one of focusing on wealth and fame, to contributing to others in the largest way I could. I worked full time for the est organization for several years and then led seminars for several more.
This was the first step in my journey.
My Journey-Part 2: How I overcame the biggest inner barriers
The next step came as a result of the first. After my experiences with est, I went back to my consulting work, but giving organizations advice on how to communicate more effectively was no longer fulfilling. I now felt the need to make a real contribution to people.
On top of that many organizations failed to use the advice I offered. In speaking with other consultants, I discovered that they too had the same problem. They could only get an organization to follow their suggestions with a lot of handholding, and even that didn’t work much of the time.
I thought there had to be a way to make change stick.
About this time I noticed the same pattern in my life and the lives of many people I knew. People did things they knew didn’t work and didn’t do things they knew would work; they just couldn’t get themselves to make long-term changes.
So I went on a quest to find out how to help people and organizations make lasting change.
In 1985, I discovered that the primary factor that made lasting change almost impossible was our beliefs. And shortly afterward I discovered a way to unlearn limiting beliefs, which I called the Lefkoe Belief Process.
This allowed me to help over 50 organizations, including many of the Baby Bell Companies that split off from the original AT&T, make changes in their employees’ behavior.
And it allowed me to change some long-standing patterns such as depression, anxiety and neediness that kept me from fully enjoying my life.
Since then the Lefkoe Belief Process has helped about 150,000 people through in-person sessions, over the phone sessions, or our online belief-elimination programs.
If you join the Year With Morty, we’ll use the LBP and other elements of The Lefkoe Method (which consists of nine different change processes) to help you overcome every barrier in your way.
Here's what people said who've ONLY used the Lefkoe Belief Process and the de-conditioning processes to change their lives.
Although I was confident at certain tasks and I knew how to act confident, deep down I rarely felt it. Your method has boosted my confidence (and our business success) beyond what I thought was possible. I have eliminated my anxiety about speaking in public, selling our programs, and creating the success I have always dreamed of.
Mark Watson, Cofounder - Wealth Inside Out
For years I have tried to improve various areas of my life, with little or no success. After working with Morty's method, I experienced explosive growth in my business; I’ve lost a considerable amount of weight; and in general, I have become totally empowered to be the woman I always wanted to be. My friends tell me that I am like a completely different person – and they’re right – I am!
Donna Bauer, The NoteBuyer Real Estate Investor, Author & Educator
Regardless of what you might be struggling with, Morty’s techniques can help you to identify the root cause and eliminate it from your mind permanently. He can truly help you to unleash the power within and become whoever you want to be!
Morty’s Lefkoe Method gives you the key to dropping a belief that no longer serves you. In just a few minutes I was able to drop a belief that had been plaguing me all of my life. For months after our time together, I noticed I felt different when opportunities came up and the belief didn’t stop me. As a result, the profits of my business went absolutely through the sky. Whatever had held me back in the past was gone. So I highly endorse The Lefkoe Method and I encourage you to look into it and discover the power of it yourself
Paul Scheele , Chairman, Learning Strategies Corporation
Special Note
Although this program is focused on actualizing your highest potentials, that doesn’t mean you have to have gotten rid of all your issues before you can begin. If you still have fears or other issues that hold you back, you can still join me. In fact, I expect that most people will have barriers of some kind that need to be overcome and during this yearlong journey you’ll eliminate them.
My Journey-Part 3: How to dissolve meaning in the moment
Although the major patterns of behavior that kept my life from working had been eliminated, there were still individual events that would make me upset. I might get anxious, angry or sad about something someone said or something that happened.
For example when I thought my wife had accused me of doing something I thought I had not done, I got upset. When people told me to do things that I already knew how to do, I got annoyed.
I accepted these occasional upsets as part of life until 2010, when I discovered why we have negative emotions even if we’ve unlearned many beliefs.
I realized that we make meanings-in-the-moment that cause most of our feelings.
At that time I discovered a way to dissolve these moment-to-moment meanings and the emotions they caused in seconds, which I called the Lefkoe Freedom Process. That same year I taught this process to 18 people in a course called the Lefkoe Freedom Experiment.
During that course each participant learned how to dissolve negative emotions in seconds, which was pretty spectacular on its own. Just imagine being able to get rid of any upset you have in just moments. However, there was an additional and surprising benefit.
Many of my students noticed that situations that in the past would have caused an upset no longer had any effect at all … even if they didn’t consciously use the technique.
I then looked at my recent experiences to see if this was true for me as well … and it was.
What seemed to be happening is that my students and I weren’t giving meaning to as many events as we had in the past, and the meaning we gave to many of the events dissolved automatically, without any thought or effort on our part.
This allowed me to create the first of the positive qualities that you’ll gain in the Year With Morty. The quality of Peacefulness, so no matter what happens you experience no stress and no emotional suffering, and you maintain a state of calm.
Most courses tell us what to do in books or send us a DVD on what to do and what actions to take so that you can benefit from it. But what is unique about Morty's course is he makes us practice and follows us throughout our progress, so that at the end of it we do things automatically and easily and get the benefit we are promised!
Karthik Rai, Stuttgart, Germany
I now have a peace, a calmness. I don't have to react to what other people are doing or saying. For example, my step-father became very angry at me, yelling like crazy. And through my calmness half-an-hour later he came back and apologized. I took everything in stride in a nice way.
Andres Ratti, Toronto, ON
It has given me freedom... In this way, it is priceless.
Previous things that used to frequently upset me no longer do because through this course I truly got that my experience of life comes from the meaning I'm giving everything in the moment, and that meaning is not the same as what's actually happening in the real world, and now I can also change that meaning whenever I want to do something else I'd enjoy more.
Michael Scheibe, Gulf Breeze, FL
This material from the Lefkoe Institute has allowed me to have more choice and control over how life shows up for me, and I would recommend it to anyone who's looking for more choice in how they experience their life.
My Journey-Part 4: Creating the positive qualities
This went on for a few years until early in 2013, when I created a course called the Advanced Lefkoe Freedom Course. In this class I wanted to teach some very advanced material that I’d created on how to create positive personal qualities that further enrich a person’s life.
I’m always hungry for knowledge about how to live a fulfilling life so I’m constantly thinking about how to improve the quality of my life.
As a result, I’ve created many strategies for cultivating positive qualities that I wanted to share with my students, such as …
- experiencing unconditional love for specific people, even people whom you had disliked in the past;
- the ability to deeply understand the points of view of others, even those you disagree with, so that you can relate well to just about anyone;
- turning both your work and your life into a game, so that you can play them with passion and excitement at the same time you are not attached to the outcome.
But these exercises by themselves are often much less effective than they could be for at least two reasons.
First, many people who use them have beliefs that limit their effectiveness.
For example, how can you feel love for everyone if you have a belief that some people don’t deserve your love? Or how can you fully value the point of view of someone who disagrees with you if deep down inside you believe that people who disagree with you are wrong?
And second, these exercises might remain just that: intellectual exercises—if they aren’t fully real to you.
So I in addition to figuring out which beliefs needed to be eliminated for these exercises to have maximal effect, I also figured out a way to use the Who Am I Really? Process (WAIR) to add a whole new dimension to your experience of some of these exercises. When you do these exercises in that state of mind, you create the insights for yourself instead of merely understanding someone else’s insights.
Here’s what some people said about how these exercises changed their lives:
Life has a different quality when love overtakes fear. I can't explain HOW the ALFC/ALFC2 courses work, or WHY they work - but what I do know is that they've created tremendous changes in all areas of my life - including my relationships, my finances, and my general sense of well-being and happiness. On a day to day basis, I feel the unlimited potential that exists for me and for others in the world, and I am able to act on it. So...take the course. DO THE WORK - practice - and all is coming.
Liane Carmi, Hayward, CA
The ALFC course was an incredible extension to the Occurring/Freedom Course – it took the life-game-changing foundational concepts from the initial course to then move light years beyond them. I “got it” at the core of my being that no one person’s point of view is THE one and only valid point of view and found massive compassion for others as a result. I now have a much deeper sense of the oneness we all share as human being. It has made me less quick to judge others and instead have compassion for the, sometimes challenging, journey we all are taking – that everyone struggles with something. And I am deeply aware of the specific language that I use and how it influences how the world occurs to me. Brilliant – thank you again Morty!!
Renee Maxfield, Oxford, OH
This course was a HUGE eye opener for me and gave a framework in which to view my own level of development and others. I have much more love and empathy for people - I feel like I understand why people do what they do and I don't view any of it as wrong. I have a better understanding as to how language can limit our experience of life and add much of "reality" that doesn't need to be there.
Matt Johnson, Chelmsford, MA
Overall, I've grown tremendously from this course and am extremely happy I took it. I've had realizations and made distinctions that have helped me to grow as a person and see the world in a more pure, and less filtered way. This course will give you a path that you'll be "working" the rest of your life to walk down. But it is well worth it.
You’ll be constantly growing
As you can see, it took me 40 years to get to where I am today. I can help you go on the same journey in one year. You’ll gain each of the qualities I list to some degree at first, then deepen them, and by the end of one year, you’ll find that the habit of deepening these qualities has become a part of your life. You won’t reach a plateau and stay there; you’ll be started on an endless path of growth that will continue for the rest of your life.
A new context for living
I very rarely experience negative emotions any more, but when I do, it’s not a problem. I just notice them and see where they came from and do what I can to dissolve them.
If my results are not exactly what I want, such as not having as many people read my blog posts as I would like or not filling a course we’re offering, it’s not a problem for me. I just take the results as learning opportunities so I can improve my outcomes the next time.
So I still prefer positive emotions (which I usually have) and having things turn out the way I intended (which often happens). And I do whatever I can to get what I want. In fact, I usually work very hard to achieve the results I desire.
But my happiness is not dependent on having something turn out the way I want it to. I create my own happiness; I don’t depend on outside circumstances to make me happy. As Marci Shimoff put it in the title of her best-selling book, I’ve learned how to be Happy For No Reason.
“You win. Now let’s play.”
When I worked for est years ago, Werner Erhard, the creator of est, took the entire staff to Las Vegas.
He gave each of us a leather pouch that contained a silver dollar. The pouch (which I still carry almost 40 years later) was inscribed with the following words:
“You win. Now let’s play.”
And that’s how I feel about my life now. I feel there’s nothing missing, nothing I need to be happy. I’ve already won. Now I can play the game of life.
This perspective is something you’ll gain in the year you spend with me.
How to play with passion … and without attachment
Just imagine what it would feel like to start your next project or pursue your next goal without being attached to the outcome. You’ve created it as a game, so you are committed to winning, and passionate and excited about playing the game. But deep down you know that what you want to achieve ultimately has no meaning, so you are able to play without fear of losing or not attaining your goal.
This experience can be difficult to put into words, but it is incredibly freeing and exciting when your happiness is generated from within and is not dependent on anything outside of you.
The Work Life (game) exercise. Honestly, this has been
Fred Lybrand, New Braunfels, TX
the most dramatic thing to me. What a crazy exciting
way to do life…the pressure and resistance is gone. I
know I’m not near as good as I will be, but this kind
of puts together a number of learnings (Morty plus
earlier insights in life).
The coolest thing for me (as a consultant) is how ‘the
game’ took away my defensiveness that shows up
occasionally…and the sense of competition that also
shows up occasionally. I just went and enjoyed myself
(and won the game). I’ve had lots more business come
out of just playing it with the looseness of a game…I
seem to connect and function and enjoy it all. Even a
teaching session I lead at church went better than I
remember in some time with this same mindset. This is
pretty close to the price of admission!
Where I am today and where you can be in one year
I sat down recently and made an inventory of my life. Here is my description of what my life looks like today. Every item on the list is not true for me every minute of every day, but this list is a pretty accurate description of me and my life most of the time. And when I don’t think, feel or act like I describe below, I don’t give that fact any meaning. I just ask myself what I can learn from the experience and move on.
I know this is a long list, but I wanted to list every quality/way of dealing with life that I have developed, because this is what I promise to show you how to do. Read the list slowly and carefully.
Imagine that you are describing yourself this way a year from now.
- I have created a personal vision beyond anything I had ever thought I could accomplish earlier in my life,
- I have identified the contribution I want to make to others and removed many of the barriers in the way of making that contribution,
- I am regularly starting projects I would have been afraid to start years ago,
- I am rarely upset or angry by what my loved ones do or say; when I am I usually am able to dissolve the meaning that caused the upset,
- I experience unconditional love with most people, including those I used to dislike (this is one I still have to improve on, but I am able to do this frequently),
- I am excited and passionate about my work without the upsets that used to come when I didn’t achieve what I intended or when I got negative feedback from others,
- I am no longer concerned about what others think of me and no longer need to do and say things to impress others, as I had been earlier in my life,
- I no longer fear rejection,
- I feel confident about my ability to do almost anything I choose to do; in fact I especially like committing to do things I don’t know how to do and then figuring out how to do it,
- I realize that the viewpoints of others make as much sense to them given their life experiences and beliefs as my viewpoints do to me given my life experiences and beliefs, which eliminates the need to make others wrong that I used to feel.
- I have virtually eliminated stress and emotional suffering from my life; I didn’t feel a moment’s stress or emotional suffering when I recently received a diagnosis of fourth stage metastatic colon cancer,
- I have eliminated most of the barriers—the beliefs, conditionings, and meanings—that stand in the way of living my ideal life and becoming my ideal me,
- In fact, I have raised my consciousness so that much of the time I experience nothing missing in my life, anything is possible, and there are no limitations,
- I have made virtually all the changes in my life I had always wanted to make and had never been able to make,
- I have eliminated the “shoulds” and negative self-talk that used to sabotage my enjoyment of life,
- I recognize that the most of the remaining problems I face are not because of my inability to deal effectively with the outside world; they are the result of the world I created for myself with my beliefs about myself, people, and life—which enables me to dissolve most problems merely by changing my beliefs about my world,
- I create breakthroughs in every area of my life regularly, which enables me to take actions I had not taken before, so I can produce results I had not produced before,
- I get tremendous enjoyment and satisfaction from my journey, while remaining unattached to the destination.
- I am truly happy almost all of the time and when I’m not, that’s okay.
Is having this be a description of your life worth the time, effort, and money you will have to use to achieve it?
You could be one of the first to
learn everything I can teach
I’ve already taught hundreds of people how to develop most of the qualities on this list. But none of them have developed the entire list of qualities because I’ve never taught anyone everything you’ll learn in the Year With Morty program.
By the way, if you say a year from now that the list above is a good description of you, you probably also will end up having a lot of success “out there.” But that will be a bonus. The real value of the trip will be living this life every day.
What does the Year With Morty consist of?
The year will be customized to you: your needs, your concerns, your wishes, and where you are right now on your journey.
So please read the description below with that in mind.
We’ll start with a one-on-one call during which we discuss where you are now and where you want to be a year from now.
Then we’ll map out a plan to get you there.
We’ll work that plan during the 50 hour-long dialogues we’ll have together over the next 12 months.
During the sessions the following will happen:
- You’ll get rid of the inner barriers to developing each trait.
- You’ll learn the exercises required to develop each trait.
And in-between the one-on-one sessions, you’ll practice the exercises so you can deepen the qualities.
Getting rid of the barriers
You may already know that the biggest barrier to doing anything you can’t do now is beliefs. But you may not know how to find all the beliefs in your way.
I’ll take you through my obstacle discovery process that will help uncover each and every obstacle in your way.
For example, if fear is keeping you from making commitments to actions that will make your life better, I’ll help you find and unlearn every belief causing your fear. If there are any conditionings causing you to experience unpleasant emotions or exhibit undesirable behavior, I’ll help you de-condition the stimuli. If you have any negative senses that are causing negative self-talk or frequent negative feelings, we’ll de-condition them.
You’ll then have the traits of fearlessness, confidence and commitment, and you'll be free to make the unique contribution to the world you want to make.
Morty’s got a technique that works like magic. I’ve been with him now 3 times, and the first time I got in touch with a belief that I didn’t even know I had that was limiting me in my business, and I got rid of that and it’s really transformed things.
Jack Canfield, Co-Author, Chicken Soup For The Soul
The second time I got in touch with a belief I didn’t know I had from childhood that was stopping me from having as much free time I wanted in my life. And that’s really added to my family, and my own recreation, and my own ability to pursue my spiritual pursuits and to read more. It’s given greater balance to my life.
The transformative exercises
Once you’ve cleared away the obstacles to gaining each and every valued trait, I’ll then share with you the specific exercises designed to produce each trait.
Here’s just a sample of what you’ll learn:
- How to use both the Who Am I Really? Process and a new process to experience unconditional love for any specific person, even someone who had wronged you in the past.
- How to use language to minimize the level of physical pain you might be feeling at any given moment.
- How to experience your work and even your life as a game, so you can be passionate and excited about them, without being attached to them.
- A five-minute exercise that transforms points of view you disagree with from “wrong” to “just one point of view,” which eliminates arguments, allows you to fully understand others, and allows others to know you really get them.
- How to snap into the Who Am I Really? state—in which you experience anything is possible, that you have no limitations, and that nothing is missing—in seconds.
- How to get rid of the “should’s” that run most people’s lives and instead have a feeling of choice in everything you do.
- How the very words we use to describe reality can themselves limit our possibilities and how to use language that doesn’t close down possibilities.
- How to have much more empathy and compassion for all types of people and other cultures.
These are lessons that I’ve only taught people who’ve taken my most advanced course, which I’ve given to just three intimate groups—a total of 53 people. And the results are breathtaking.
Here’s what just a few participants had to say about how their lives improved. Of course, they still got only a fraction of what I’ll share with you in one year, if you’re accepted.
“I feel love and unity with other people most of the time. It is much easier to me to interact with people, I am calm, patient and friendly most of the time. I feel good about myself, about people I know and about all people in the world. Relations with my husband changed enormously – we are much more happier with each other than even 20 years ago when we just get married. I’ve stopped judging and criticizing myself and others. I’ve stopped procrastinating. I feel good about myself almost always. I can lower or even eliminate my headaches without pills. I enjoy my work which I didn’t like at all (and I really hated it a year ago before starting NC and LOC). I’m waking up every morning with excitement and anticipation of a wonderful day. I’m happy!”
Anna Karmanskaya, Moscow, Russia
I learned not to jump to conclusions when an event occurred that would have normally upset me. I learned to notice my own negative self-talk and change the talk. I learned not to take life so seriously and to play life like a game. Overall, my life is much more free, more peaceful, more loving and tolerant. I am much more outgoing, at ease and accepting. I've gone from a people-pleasing, timid soul to a live-out-loud, loving, caring soul. Thanks, Morty
Priscilla Pugh, Elon, NC
I rarely argue with anyone. I see their POV [point of view] just as their POV---not the truth. I feel more compassion and love for others more of the time. ... I continue to decrease my judging and evaluation of myself and others. I feel so much calmer, with less stress, and less anxiety that I am not used to the good feeling and wonder if there's something wrong with me. Did I say my wife and I are getting along better with hardly any more arguing--an unexpected miracle!! … I don't know of any other course, technique or teaching that creates some many positive changes, so quickly as ALFC. It literally changes one's life!
Terry Shull, Shoreline, WA
One thing I’ve never taught anyone… until now
Most people hold many versions of an “It can’t be done” belief. Steve Jobs did not. Jobs did not deal more effectively with the same world most people deal with. He interacted with a different world—a world in which almost anything is possible, while most people interact with a world in which so many things “can’t be done.”
The single most common sabotaging belief people in organizations hold is the belief, “We can’t ….” We can’t outsource, find financing, find the type of employees we need, do something because of government, etc. Steve Jobs never held limiting beliefs about doing anything at Apple.
The idea that “I can’t …” holds people back is nothing new. What is new is that I will help you identify and eliminate the hidden “I can’t’s” that keep you from seeing beyond your current horizons and into limitless possibilities.
As a result, during your Year With Morty, you’ll break down barriers you didn’t know existed, to do what you never dreamed possible.
Two life-altering retreats
Imagine what it would be like to meet with other people playing the same game you’ll be playing—creating their lives moment to moment, free of inner limitations and full of limitless possibilities. Just being in such a group would be amazing.
But what if you all got together to create something new and powerful? To support each other in living your visions?
You would create something you had never even dreamed of before. Something that would nurture you and make a difference in the lives of others. Something you could truly be proud of.
This is what I can promise from the two three-day retreats that are part of the Year With Morty.
During these retreats you and four others will engage in powerful group exercises that will allow you to unleash your inner vision into the world.
And no one other than the four other members can attend these retreats at any price.
I’m truly excited to see what possibilities we’ll create in our time together.
Is this journey for you?
Here’s how to know if the Year With Morty is for you.
- You’ve accomplished some things in your life but have the sense that there’s something more and you aren’t sure what it is.
- You are willing and able to commit the considerable time and financial resources required for this yearlong journey.
- You don’t just want to make money or have traditional “success”; you also want to make a real contribution to the world.
- You want to learn how to create your own happiness and not depend on outside circumstances to make you happy.
- You want to realize far more of your limitless potential as a human being.
- And you realize that there is no “final state of perfection”; you want to find a way to continually grow for the rest of your life.
If this describes you, then the Year With Morty is for you.
As the Year With Morty requires a significant investment of your time, energy, and money, I ask that only serious applicants apply
Personalized experiences like the one I’m offering typically involve an investment of $100,000 or more per year, but not this one. I am looking for five people who are deeply committed to living a life of limitless possibilities, even if they haven’t reached that level of financial success yet.
So, I’ve created a program that’s much more affordable.
Once we receive your application, my team and I will contact you the next business day to set up a time to talk.
Year With Morty begins on November 3, 2014
Starting next week, I'll be interviewing each qualified applicant. Everyone who applies will be notified as soon as I make my final selections.
If after reading my description of the Year With Morty you feel excited and are thinking something like,
“This is for me. I had a vague sense that something like this was possible but I never thought I would ever find a way to achieve it. This is what I want my life to look like.”
—then I’ll be honored and privileged to walk hand-in-hand with you to help you create a limitless life.
With anticipation for our limitless year ...
Creator of The Lefkoe Method
P.S. This journey is NOT for everyone.
This is a journey to actualize some of your highest potentials and not everyone is committed to that, which is fine. In order to be accepted you must have the sense that whatever you’ve done or achieved thus far is only the tip of the iceberg. The people who join me must feel:
“Yes, I’ve achieved a lot. Maybe I’m successful in society’s eyes, but life has to have more meaning than this. Is this all there is?”
If reaching your highest potential is what you are willing to commit to, I promise you miracles. If this is not what you want, that’s okay. We have great programs and courses to help you get better, to deal more effectively with problems, to overcome obstacles, etc. I don’t mean to minimize the value of that. I spent most of my life doing precisely that.
But if you want to explore what makes a life really worth living and then create the conditions for living that type of life, please join me for the inner journey of a lifetime.
P.P.S Here’s a statement from someone who eliminated beliefs, took the LFC and the ALFC. She spent much less time with me then you’ll spend if you’re accepted into the Year With Morty, so your results will be far greater. Consider this just a taste of what you can be.
The course has made a profound difference in my life. I am now very aware of language and how it shapes our lives. Because of this, I have changed the way I think and speak. I used to be very critical of myself and others. Now, I am much kinder to myself and have much more acceptance of others. This in turn allows me to be more present in my life.
Ricki Rush, Rohnert Park, CA
I used to get angry when things didn't "work" or "work out", or when I dropped things or "messed up". Now I just laugh at it all. It's been a challenge for me to let go of getting angry in certain situations, now I can stop my anger with the snap of a finger. This is a major shift and is having a big impact on how I feel throughout the day.
I have much more empathy and compassion for people and other cultures. If I have a different point of view than they do on something, I can accept that we each have different points of view and that neither is either right or wrong. In the past I would have wanted to argue, and try to get them to see my point was the "right one". If it was more a cultural thing, I would just feel they were wrong. It's a non-issue now, and I just let it go.
The biggest shift for me has been the ability to experience and feel love for people. I think the only time I've ever really experienced unconditional love was for my cats. For various reasons, it was very hard for me to feel and/or express love towards humans. I've done a lot of personal growth work, but nothing I've done has opened up my heart like this course did.
While in the "creator space" I also was able to forgive my father, which was another big shift for me. I used to think I related well to people, and I probably did. But I think there was one part of me that held me back, that created a slight barrier when I was with other people, though I wasn't really aware of it. I've noticed recently that I feel very different when I'm in a group. Partly due to the fact that I'm not "evaluating" them in my mind, so I can be more present. But also because I feel so much love for them. I feel open and expansive, rather than slightly closed down.
I've also learned to look a life as a "game". This has helped me not to take things so seriously anymore and I'm approaching and thinking about my life and work in a lighter more fun way.
My "work game" was to get my first solo gig at a certain upscale venue in the area. I contacted them, sent sound files, etc. and got booked! Two years ago, I never would have thought it would be possible. And not only did I get a gig there, but I just booked 3 dates at a new venue. Instead of just 1 gig, I now have 4! Somehow, making "work and life" into a game took the edge off the whole idea, and all the work we did in the course allowed me to let go of the fear or whatever it was that was stopping me, and just go for it.
Overall, I find myself going throughout much of the day feeling joyous, happy, expansive and more present. I feel like a very different person, and it may take a while to get used to this new me.